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We offer analytics testing using HitTrax and Rapsodo.

We understand that today's analytics have become a bit confusing, so we've put together a page to help explain the Ins and Outs of testing. Visit our Assessments page to learn more.

Interested in bringing your team in for a full-facility workout? Learn more!

Lane Rental

55-foot lane available for any kind of workout

Pitching Machines available for use

Softballs & baseballs available, various size balls, batting Tees

For Hitting: Must provide your own pitcher (or someone to feed the pitching machine)

For Pitching: Must provide your own catcher


Analysis is performed with Rapsodo™


Spin Rate, Spin Efficiency

Velocity per-pitch (Max. & Avg.)

Vert. & Horiz. Break

Plus lots, and lots more...


Analysis is performed with


Exit Velocity (Max. & Avg.)

Launch Angle (Avg.)

Exit Velo. per zone

Barrel through zone

Plus lots, and lots more...


Analysis is performed with

Pop time (Max. & Avg.)

Transition Time

Throwing Accuracy

Overhand Throwing Velo.

What would you like to Reserve?

Come in for a 30-minute pitching evaluation using Rapsodo-Pitching. Rapsodo will measure: velocity, spin direction, spin efficiency, horizontal break, vertical break, release angle, plus lots more. Use this information to continue honing your pitching, rank your progress against others in your age-division, provide the information to colleges for recruiting purposes. Once the session is complete we'll send your personalized Rapsodo Session Summary which contains detailed information about each pitch, heat maps, pitch-break charts, spin rate distribution charts, (plus lots more!) for each pitch type that you throw. We'll also take video of you pitching from different angles, which can be downloaded in slow-motion.

Maximum of 1 pitcher. Must bring your own catcher.
Cost: $125.00
Select Rapsodo - Pitching

A 30-minute catcher's analysis providing detailed information on catcher's: pop time, transition time, accuracy, overhand throwing velocity. Throw from your knees or standing up? We'll analyze both throwing options and show you the pros & cons of both.

Maximum of 1 player.
Cost: $75.00
Select HitTrax - Catching

Come in for a 30-minute hitting session using HitTrax. You'll see your hits emulated on the big-screen TV against your favorite MLB or college stadium.

Must provide a pitcher. Maximum of 1 hitter.
Cost: $80.00
Select HitTrax - Batting Practice

Come in for a 30-minute hitting & catching session using HitTrax. You'll see your hits emulated on the big-screen TV against your favorite MLB or college stadium. We'll provide you with a detailed analysis of your hitting & catching, including: Exit Velocity, Launch Angle, Distance, Flyball %/Groundball %/Linedrive %, detailed information about your Point-of-Impact, analysis of hit-quality based on location of each pitch, Spray Charts, plus lots more. For catching you'll get detailed analysis of pop time, transition time, accuracy, overhand throwing velocity.

Maximum of 1 player.
Cost: $125.00
Select HitTrax - Hitting/Catching

Come in for a 30-minute hitting & pitching session using HitTrax & Rapsodo. You'll see your hits emulated on the big-screen TV against your favorite MLB or college stadium. We'll provide you with a detailed analysis of your hitting, including: Exit Velocity, Launch Angle, Distance, Flyball %/Groundball %/Linedrive %, detailed information about your Point-of-Impact, analysis of hit-quality based on location of each pitch, Spray Charts, plus lots more. For pitching, you'll get detailed information about each pitch, heat maps, pitch-break charts, spin rate distribution charts, (plus lots more!) for each pitch type that you throw.

Maximum of 1 player.
Cost: $150.00
Select HitTrax Hitting + Rapsodo Pitching

Come in for 30-minutes and use the lane for pitching or batting practice. This includes the use of a pitching machine (if available), softballs/baseballs, and batting Ts.

If using for batting practice, you must provide a pitcher or someone to feed the pitching machine. Maximum of 2 players.
Cost: $50.00
Select Lane Rental (for hitting or pitching)

© 2025 Line Training

7373b Convoy Ct San Diego, CA 92111

(858) 256-0687

Version: P-1.0